Our work `A Copper Cage-Complex as Mimic of the pMMO CuC Site` is online as accepted article in Angewandte Chemie. Thanks to Sarah and Leander and our friends from the Roemelt group.
We welcome Arigon Dacaj.
He started his master thesis. Looking forward to new cages.
Frederic’s and Massoud’s paper is online.
In cooperation with the group of Michael Römelt we published the connection of two cages via terpy-coordination in RSC Advances.
Manuscript in Angew. Chem.
Sarah´s manuscript on heteroleptic ligation by an endo-functionalized cage is now online as an Accepted Article.
Welcome to the new students
Elisa Paul started her bachelor thesis project and Massoud Koshan his master thesis project.
Teaching Award
Inke Siewert and Matthias Otte received the teaching award wich is given by the students for their joint lecture “Aktuelle Forschungsschwerpunkte der Anorganischen Chemie 2”. Thank you very much!
Frederic Dournel starts his master thesis!
Welcome to the group.
Marc Neben finishes Master Thesis
Congrats Marc! All the best for your PhD studies.
Well done Sarah!
Sarah was awarded for her talk at the Koordinationschemie-Treffen 2020 in Freiburg. Congrats!
New group member
Marc Neben has joined the group as a master student. Welcome!